company introduction

Secure Logistics (SL) protects valuables and risk exposed products by providing burglar alarms, monitoring of objects, tamper evident seals, and product authentication of packaging and cabinets. SL is based on many years research on supply chain risks at Lund University.

The solutions provided by SL reduce and trace thefts, counterfeits, smuggling, and tampering by detecting and reporting any intrusion into everything from envelopes to sea containers, thereby ensuring the quality and authenticity of its original contents, securing the expected value and safety for the end user, and, thus, providing sustainable profitability and confidence in product brands, its manufacturers, and its distributers.
SL’s patented technologies are useful for stationary applications, foods, pharmaceuticals, classified and confidential documents, valuables, electronics, hazardous gods etc.

The “Monitor” patent provides a real-time theft alarm solution providing detection of theft and tampering. By a light sensor and a radio receiver attached to the object, a pattern of variations in the radiations are used to determine the handling events of the object, e.g. when it is placed in a “booster bag” or is in the hand of the customer.

The “Tamper” patent provides a tamper evident seal. The goods to be protected and a pressure sensor is placed in a vacuum sealed gas proof bag and any attempt to tamper with the enclosure is detected by the sensor and reported to a receiver outside the seal.

Combining “Monitor” and “Tamper” ensures prevention of shoplifting and theft in general, shoplifting and theft by removal of EAS tag or placing products in a booster bag, as well that it provides a system for product surveillance and monitoring.